Discover the Power of Pure Organic Sulfur

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Happy Body Organic Sulfur

(Pure 100% Additive-Free MSM)

Happy Body Organic Sulfur / Pure MSM Crystals

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Simply, The Most Optimal Form of MSM on The Market

Discover the Power of Pure Organic Sulfur

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Happy Body Organic Sulfur

(Pure 100% Additive-Free MSM Crystals)

Try Organic Sulfur, Pure MSM Crystals - Phone

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Simply, The Most Optimal Form of MSM on The Market

Product Details on Organic Sulfur

Product Details:

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  • Premium Organic Sulfur: When MSM is pure, high-dose & 100% additive-free it’s also called “Organic Sulfur”
  • Crystals NOT 💊 Capsules: We only use pure MSM crystals, as they are the only form of MSM that is free from toxic additives & fillers, ensuring optimal absorption.
  • 3rd Party Certified Purity & Quality: Independently certified to USP/ISO/cGMP standards.
  • Tested For The Bad Stuff Too: All batches are tested for heavy metals, bacteria, molds, & VOC’s.
  • 100% Additive-Free: Our 100% additive-free MSM crystals provide unmatched absorption.
  • High-Dose: Each teaspoon provides up to 10x the MSM per serving compared to standard MSM capsules.
  • Easily The Best Value: Each 1 lb bag provides 450,000 mg of MSM – 5x the quantity of most other MSM formats, at a fraction of the cost.
  • Trusted by Hundreds of Thousands: Over 11 years in business, USA’s most trusted brand of premium MSM, with 72% of our 7,000+ reviews a full 5 stars.

Organic Sulfur Deficiency

Why Is Organic Sulfur So Important?

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  • Did You Know… Your body is primarily made from just 2 things: water 💧 & minerals ⛰️.
  • When LOW in Key Minerals, Stuff Breaks... When the body doesn’t have enough essential minerals (especially ones like Sulfur), the body & beauty tend to breakdown.
  • Mineral Deficiency is Rampant Today: This is due mainly how we farm & produce food today, & as a result our diet tends to contain MUCH fewer minerals & nutrients.

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Soil Today Vs. 100 Years Ago

A Simple Illustration

Illustration of  soil-mineral depletion.

Sources: USDA based data from 1963, and 1997. Data extrapolation and projections after 1997 based on USDA data, Hamaker 1982. Other Sources: Nimni ME, Han B, Cordoba F. Are we getting enough sulfur in our diet? Nutrition & Metabolism. 2007;4:24. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-4-24. Source Here. (2) Townsend DM, Tew KD, Tapiero H: Sulfur containing amino acids and human disease. Biomed Pharmacother 2004, 58: 47-55. 10.1016/j.biopha.2003.11.005

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So Today, Many People Are Vastly Deficient 

Why Are Many People Are Sulfur Deficient

In fact, here’s what a researcher said after completing a large-scale study on Sulfur deficiency.

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“Sulfur deficiency is real. A large segment of the population is deficient in Sulfur.”

Dr. Marcel E Nimni, MD. 

Source: Nimni ME, Han B, Cordoba F. Are we getting enough sulfur in our diet? Nutrition & Metabolism. 2007;4:24. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-4-24.

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Common Issues When Low In Sulfur?

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Sulfur Deficiency Impacts

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For many people low in Sulfur, life can become more challenging due to the issues above.

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So Don’t Overthink It…

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1. If you’re dealing with common heath & appearance issues, start simple.

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2. Address common mineral deficiencies first. You’ll be surprised how effective it can be.

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3. Consider starting with Organic Sulfur, as Sulfur is one of the most common & harmful mineral deficiencies.

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Based on our reviews, & track record, we think you’ll be VERY happy you did… 🙂

Benefits of Organic Sulfur / Pure MSM

Experience the Benefits of Pure MSM

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  • More Pain-Free Living: Reduce pain & inflammation naturally for real relief & enhanced mobility.
  • Detoxify Head to Toe: Pure MSM (Organic Sulfur) is unmatched for full body, deep, cellular detoxification of toxins, heavy metals & lactic acids.
  • Show Inflammation Who’s In Charge: Combats inflammation across the body & in joint structures.
  • Boost Energy & Stop The ‘Fog’: Pure MSM supercharges oxygen flow for enhanced vitality & focus.
  • Ignite Beauty from the Inside Out: High-dose MSM is simply amazing for hair thickness, volume & softness. Also improves skin complexion & tightness + pure MSM builds vital collagen and keratin.
  • Gets Digestion & pH Back on Track: Bioactive Sulfur helps improve many common digestion issues (heartburn, ingestion, nutrient malabsorption) while helping optimize pH.
  • Build What Your Body Needs Naturally & Save Money: Sulfur boosts the formation of 140+ vital amino acids, enzymes, & proteins like Glutathione, Collagen, and Keratin, just to name a few.

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Most Common MSM/Sulfur Benefits:

What Organic Sulfur Does In The Body

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See more info on the benefits further below.

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Source(s): Butawan, M., Benjamin, R. L., & Bloomer, R. J. (2017). Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement. Nutrients, 9(3), 290. doi: 10.3390/nu9030290. [PubMed] The Influence of Methylsulfonylmethane on Inflammation. US National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health. J Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp). 2016; 2016: 7498359. Mariè van der Merwe and Richard J. Bloomer. Toguchi, A., Noguchi, N., Kanno, T., Yamada, A. (2023). Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Why You Should ALWAYS Use Organic Sulfur & NOT MSM Capsules

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  • Certified Pure & Seriously Potent: Unlike MSM capsules, ours is pure MSM: No fillers, no toxic additives, no binders. Just pure high-dose MSM.
  • Unmatched Absorption: Having Zero additives = optimal bioavailability & benefits, ensuring you actually get your money’s worth.
  • MSM💊Don’t Come Close: Our Organic Sulfur crystals provide up to 10X the amount of MSM per serving compared to standard MSM capsules.
  • The Best Value By Far: Also provides up to 5x more MSM per package versus buying MSM capsules, so why pay more for inferior quality?.

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Compare Different Formats of MSM

Symbol - Down Pointing Hand - 400 x 400Organic Sulfur vs. Std. MSM

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Based on Avg. Amounts of MSM Per Dose/Serving From Other Leading Brands.

It’s Also Much Better Value

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Organic Sulfur is a much better value than standard MSM pills

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Based on Avg. Amounts of MSM Per Capsule (500 mg – 1000 mg/dose) From Other Leading Brands.

How to use Organic Sulfur

How To Use Organic Sulfur?

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It’s Simple:

1. Just start with 1/4 to 1/2 a tsp. of the crystals in a small glass.

2. Add 1 – 2 oz. of filtered water or juice.

3. Swirl the glass & drink back.

Adding Organic Sulfur crystals to a glass

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Grow Your Dose Over Time:

We suggest starting slow (1/4- 1/2 tsp. per dose),  as Sulfur is a very powerful detoxifying agent.

Then, over a few weeks of use, if you desire, you can begin to increase your dose, up to 1 tsp+, up to 2x a day, This is typically the optimal dose for most.

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How Long To See Impacts?

Most people see impacts with consistent use after ⏰ 2 – 4 weeks.

Some see & feels impacts with in just days.

Timing will vary by person. You can see more FAQ’s further below.

It’s why we offer you a full 90 day money back guarantee.

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*Customer impacts and timing vary. This is due to the complexities of peoples health history, other medications or supplements being taken at the same/similar times, consistency etc. Always discuss with your health professional before starting any new supplement. .

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Why Choose Happy Body?

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  • Certified Purity: Each batch of our MSM is independently verified to be pure & 100% free from toxic additives.
  • True Belief : 🙌 We see & hear of our MSM’s impacts daily! We want you to feel it too, so we again back every purchase with a full 90 day, full money back guarantee. Simple…
  • Best Quality / Best Value: From our MSM to our premium pain creams, with Happy Body always know you get premium quality at a fair price.
  • Fast, Free Shipping: Same business day shipping to your door fast & free.
  • USA’s Most Trusted Brand: Happy Body is the USA’s best selling & most trusted pure Organic Sulfur & Premium MSM for 11 years straight.
  • 90 Day Full Satisfaction Guaranteed: Like we said, try it, if you don’t love it, we’ll refund you in full, easy…

🔖 Extra savings on today!

See the lastest customer ratings & feedback.

Learn more about Organic Sulfur & its benefits.

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Organic Sulfur – 1 lb. Pack

Premium, Pure, 100% Additive-Free MSM Crystals

100% Premium Quality

Organic Sulfur Quality

Product Details:

📦 Size: 1 lb. / 454 g. Pack .

🕐 Supply: Each Bag Provides Up to 45-90 Day Supply.

🥄 Format: Distilled, Pure MSM Crystals, 100% Additive-Free.

✔️ Certified: USP/ISO/cGMP Standards For: MSM Purity, Heavy Metals & VOC’s.

🗓️ Shelf Life: Up to 3 years.

📌 Ships From: Happy Body, Fontana, California.

🛡️ Guarantee: 90 Days Full Money Back.

Premium Quality:

Organic Sulfur Quality

 Buy Now 

Reg: $49.99

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  Ships From Our California Warehouse.

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Today Get 2 Bags for Just $50.00!

That’s a 90-180 day supply for only $25.00/Bag

Saves you another $20 when you get 2 Bags!

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 About Happy Body

🥇  North America’s # 1 Brand of Pure MSM Crystals.

⏳  In Business Over 11 years.

🔍 Independently Certified MSM.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Serving Over 200,000+ Customers.

🚚 Fast, Free, Shipping.

✅ Simple 90 Day, Full Money Back Guarantee.

Organic Sulfur Reviews

 certified reviews All customer reviews are collected by SiteJabber, a Google approved, fully independent review collection service that verifies all reviews are from actual humans who have actually purchased & used our products.

Just remember, reviews are not a replacement for medical advice.

Organic Sulfur, MSM Customer Reviews

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*Customer reviews are from verified customer purchases. Reviews and feedback are consumer’s personal experiences. These are for informational purposes and should not be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.

 Learn More 


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What’s Organic Sulfur?

what is organic sulfur?

  • Organic Sulfur is an essential mineral.
  • It is the bioactive form of base element/mineral Sulfur.
  • The bioactive form of Sulfur .
  • One of the most needed minerals in the body.

What’s MSM?

  • MSM, is itself, an organo-sulfur based mineral.
  • Naturally occurring and found in all living cells.
  • Often combined (needlessly) with other ingredients like glucosamine in low impact joint supplements.
  • MSM is very powerful as it ‘s made largely from Organic Sulfur.
  • MSM is the optimal source for bioactive Sulfur – nothing comes close.

In fact, the vast majority of MSM’s ⚡’s are derived from its ultra-high levels of organic (bioactive) Sulfur.

What is MSM?

What Organic Sulfur Is Not

  • There are also multiple forms of Sulfur.
  • The inorganic version is yellow, and is used in things like matches and antibiotics (sulfa).
  • That’s NOT the one we are talking about.
  • Instead, we’re talking about the white version, which is organic, fully bioactive, and critical to the body.

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Organic Sulfur vs. Inorganic Sulfur 

Are You Sulfur Deficient?

If you suffer with any of these issues, you may be low in Sulfur.

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Typical Issues When Low In Sulfur

How Do We Become Deficient?

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Point Number 1

🧪 Pesticides and other “additives” inhibit plants from absorbing Organic Sulfur from our soil.

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Point number 2

🚜 Years of intensive agriculture have depleted our soil’s natural Sulfur reserves.

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point number 3

🏭 The final blow..? Industrial processing cooks and strips away what little nutrients survive the journey.

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So today, it’s optimal to get Sulfur from supplementation, there’s just not enough in food!

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Consider This

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Mineral deficiency stats

The chart shown above is a simple illustration based on concepts from a study from 1963.

This landmark study looked at the soil-mineral content of select crops starting in the early 1900’s.

Much of the original work came from John D. Hamaker (1914–1994), who was an ecologist, agronomist and researcher in the field of soil regeneration, and worked for the USDA.

He was also a very influential figure in the study of soil health and mineral depletion.

He was known for his work on soil remineralization and the impact of soil mineral loss on overall human health.

Hamaker’s research highlighted how modern agricultural practices, such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, have depleted essential minerals in the soil, leading to widespread deficiencies in crops and, consequently, in the human diet.

In a nutshell: What his studies found is chemicals used to grow food today, blocks nutrient absorption, and have led to a significant drop in mineral values in plants right across the board, which directly influences our health.

Sources: USDA based data from 1963, and 1997. Data extrapolation and projections after 1997 based on USDA data, Hamaker 1982. Other Sources: Nimni ME, Han B, Cordoba F. Are we getting enough sulfur in our diet? Nutrition & Metabolism. 2007;4:24. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-4-24. Source Here. (2) Townsend DM, Tew KD, Tapiero H: Sulfur containing amino acids and human disease. Biomed Pharmacother 2004, 58: 47-55. 10.1016/j.biopha.2003.11.005





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When Health & Appearance Are Breaking Down…

Start With Key Minerals, & Remember,  Sulfur Is One of The Most Needed By The Body

It’s The Simple, Lowest Cost Way To Optimize Health, Wellness & Appearance!

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Source: Sulfur in human nutrition and applications in medicine. Parcell S 1. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Feb;7(1):22-44. Further references and supporting studies found at the at bottom of this page.

More on the Benefits of Organic Sulfur / Pure MSM

The Benefits of MSM/Organic Sulfur

Learn more about each of the core benefits that pure Organic Sulfur can provide.

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Aches & Discomfort

MSM and aches and discomfort

🟢 Pure MSM works to impact swelling while helping dampen pain impulses throughout the body.

🟢 O/S helps to reduce muscle discomfort, & speeds up muscle/joint recovery from work or exercise.

🟢 Helps joint discomfort.

We even asked ChatGPT 🤖 what it thought about “MSM and pain“, this is what it said: 

“MSM is like a secret weapon against aches and joint issues, especially for those who prefer natural options 1st over synthetic meds.”  

Sources: ChatGPT,  from OpenAI. Personal Communications/Interaction, January 31st, 2024. Note, ChatGPT responses can change over time due to changes in it’s algorithm. Also info may change to due personal interactions that may not be repeatable each time. Other Sources: Smithson, K.A. Kellick, K. Mergenhagen, Chapter 16 – Nutritional Modulators of Pain in the Aging Population, E Modulators of Pain. Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.



MSM and its impact on inflammation

Inflammation is at the heart of most health issues.

  It’s actually really important to try & manage inflammation through optimal nutrition, especially for those over 35 years of age.

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Organic Sulfur is an ideal mineral supplement for those dealing with chronic inflammation.


🟢 O/S helps support the body’s response to inflammation at a cellular level, throughout the entire body.

🟢 O/S has been shown in studies to also help disrupt a key inflammatory response pathway, called “NF-kB”.

🟢 It’s also been shown to help the body modulate inflammatory responses by the body.

🟢 MSM helps boost the body’s production of key antioxidants & amino acids, helping combat oxidative stress, a common inflammation trigger.

🟢 O/S helps power liver detoxification by improving the body’s ability to produce Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.

Source(s): Butawan, M., Benjamin, R. L., & Bloomer, R. J. (2017). Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement. Nutrients, 9(3), 290. doi: 10.3390/nu9030290. [PubMed] The Influence of Methylsulfonylmethane on Inflammation. US National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health. J Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp). 2016; 2016: 7498359. Mariè van der Merwe and Richard J. Bloomer. Toguchi, A., Noguchi, N., Kanno, T., Yamada, A. (2023). ] Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Joint Health & Flexibility

MSM and joint health

Organic Sulfur, plays a crucial role in joint health.


🟢 O/S helps optimize production of synovial fluid, the body’s natural joint lubricant.

🟢 It’s very effective in helping manage inflammatory activity around joint structures, easing joint aches, swelling & discomfort.

🟢 O/S also helps strengthen the connective tissues, which give joints their tensile strength & structure.

🟢 It helps improve flexibility & optimizes mobility, making joints less stiff.

Bottom line: Pure MSM can be a very beneficial nutritional supplement for those dealing with  joint issues.

Source(s): Usha, P. R., & Naidu, M. U. (2004). Randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study of oral glucosamine, methylsulfonylmethane and their combination in osteoarthritis. Clinical Drug Investigation, 24(6), 353-363. Effects of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on exercise-induced pain… International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14(1), 24. doi: 10.1186/s12970-017-0181-z. [PubMed]. Brien, S., Prescott, P., Bashir, N., Lewith, H., & Lewith, G. (2008). Systematic review of the nutritional supplements dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 16(11), 1277-1288. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2008.03.002. [PubMed]. Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Hair Thickness & Health

MSM and hair health benefits

Not many supplements can do as much as Organic Sulfur.

Did you know:  Sulfur is also known as the ‘beauty mineral’.


🟢 O/S helps naturally thicken hair follicles while enhancing softness, volume, & sheen.

🟢 It boosts Keratin production, the foundational protein of your hair & nails.

🟢 O/S helps with inflammation under the skin & follicles, improving vital blood flow to your hair follicles.

🟢 O/S creates optimal conditions for the body to create stronger, thicker, softer hair.

Source(s): Shanmugam, Srinivasan & Baskaran, Rengarajan. The Effect of Methylsulfonylmethane on Hair Growth and for the Treatment of Alopecia. Biomolecules & Therapeutics – BIOMOL THER. 17. 241-248. 10.4062/biomolther.2009.17.3.241. Miuzzuddin N et al. “Beneficial effects of a sulfur-containing supplement on hair and nail condition.” Natural Medicine Journal, vol. 11, no. 11 (2019). Anthonavage M, Benjamin RL, Withee E. “Effects of oral supplementation with methylsulfonylmethane on skin health and wrinkle reduction.” Natural Medicine Journal, vol. 7, no. 11 (2015). Shanmugam S, Baskaran R, Nagayya-Sriraman S, Yong CS, Choi HG, Woo JS, Yoo BK. “The effect of methylsulfonylmethane on hair growth promotion of magnesium ascorbyl phosphate for the treatment of alopecia.” Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 15(3), 153-158 (2007). Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Skin / Complexion

MSM and healthy skin

Sulfur can be a person’s best friend when it comes to skin’s look & feel.


Because many common skin issues stem from 3 key issues:

Chronic low-grade inflammation under the dermis.

Low Collagen production, (many times due to some level of Sulfur deficiency). 

FYI: Early wrinkling is commonly the result of Collagen breaking down due to lack of Sulfur in the body.

High levels of toxicity in the body due to poor diet / use of too many products/chemicals leading to hormonal imbalances.

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Incorporating pure Organic Sulfur back into your routine can lead to visible skin improvements, often noticeable within just 3 to 5 weeks or less.

It’s like having a beautician in a bag. Sulfur is part of an optimal nutritional approach for:

🟢 Poor complexion.

🟢 Acne & blotchiness.

🟢 Rough, dry skin.

🟢 Early wrinkling & crows feet.

Source(s): Dermato-endocrinology, 4, 298–307. doi:10.4161/derm.22876. Guaitolini E1,2,3, Cavezzi A1,2,3, Cocchi S1,2,3, Colucci R1,2,3, Urso SU1,2,3, Quinzi V1,2,3. Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study of a Nutraceutical Based on Hyaluronic Acid, L-carnosine, and Methylsulfonylmethane in Facial Skin Aesthetics and Well-being. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) modulates oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and cytotoxicity in skin keratinocytes.” Journal of Dermatological Science. Authors: Kim, Park, Lee, Lee, and Hwang. Published: 2009. Anthonavage M, Benjamin RL, Withee E. “Effects of oral supplementation with methylsulfonylmethane on skin health and wrinkle reduction.” Natural Medicine Journal, vol. 7, no. 11 (2015). Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Digestive Health

MSM and digestive function

Organic Sulfur is also gaining more popularity, as more people realize it has the ability to positively impact many common digestive issues.

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🟢 O/S helps the body combat inflammatory activity in the gut helping reduce discomfort & improving overall gut wellness.

🟢 Sulfur enhances Collagen production, helping fortify the digestive tract lining & reducing particles leaking from the gut (aka leaky gut).

🟢 Sulfur is a powerful detoxifier and quickly increases cell permeability, facilitating waste expulsion.

🟢 Sulfur also plays an important role in optimizing pH levels within the stomach.

🟢 Sulfur is also vital for certain beneficial gut bacteria, supporting a optimal gut microbiome.

🟢 Pure MSM also helps improve absorption of many nutrients & vitamins.

This gets you the most out of your supplements, saving you serious money.

Source(s): Min Zhang, Ira G. Wong, Jerry B. Gin & Naseem H. Ansari (2009) Assessment of (MSM) methylsulfonylmethane as a permeability enhancer. 16:5, 243-248, DOI: 10.1080/10717540902896362. Ingenbleek Y., Kimura H. Nutritional essentiality of Sulfur in health and disease. Nutr. Rev. 2013;71:413–432. doi: 10.1111/nure.12050. Butawan, M., Benjamin, R. L., & Bloomer, R. J. (2017). Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement. Nutrients, 9(3), 290. doi: 10.3390/nu9030290. [PubMed] Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


Full Body Detoxification

MSM and Detoxification

With over 84,000 chemicals in everyday products, and only 15% of those actually tested for human safety, you really need to detoxify daily.

This is yet another area where pure MSM really shines.

It’s easily one of nature’s more potent natural detoxifiers.

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🟢 O/S helps sweep out toxins, heavy metals, and even lactic acids.

🟢 Sulfur’s one of the very few minerals that can cross the blood-brain barrier, helping support detoxification of brain cells.

🟢 It helps rapidly open cell membranes, optimizing & speeding toxin removal at a cellular level.

🟢 Sulfur can also bind to certain dangerous heavy metals, helping render them inert.

🟢 Sulfur also optimizes the production of Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, which is also vital to overall liver detoxification.

Bottom line: Few supplements can provide the level of detoxification support that Organic Sulfur can.

Source(s): Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals” – A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (Source: CDC, 2019). Barrager E, Veltmann JR Jr, Schauss AG, Schiller RN. (2002) “A multicentered, open-label trial on the safety and efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.” J Altern Complement Med Apr; 8(2): 167-73 Ingenbleek Y., Kimura H. Nutritional essentiality of Sulfur in health and disease. Nutr. Rev. 2013;71:413–432. doi: 10.1111/nure.12050. Sulfur amino acid deficiency depresses glutathione concentration. Paterson PG1, Lyon AW, Kamencic H, Andersen LB, Juurlink BH. Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.


A Key Building Block For So Much!

Organic Sulfur is critical to building other compounds

Sulfur is a building block the body critically depends on.

It’s why being low in Sulfur can create such wide-spread negative impacts to health and appearance.

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Consider this:

🟢 Organic Sulfur is essential for over 140 vital body compounds.

🟢 These are mission-critical compounds that your body truly depends on for health, function, digestion & appearance.

🟢 Sulfur provides the body with vital disulfide bonds which are used to build: proteins, amino acids, enzymes, & antioxidants!

🟢 Examples of complex compounds built with Organic Sulfur:

  • Glutathione
  • Keratin
  • Collagen
  • Biotin
  • Taurine
  • NAC
  • as well as 140 more!
Source(s): Butawan, M., Benjamin, R. L., & Bloomer, R. J. (2017). Methylsulfonylmethane: Applications and Safety of a Novel Dietary Supplement. Nutrients, 9(3), 290. Nimni ME, Han B, Cordoba F. Are we getting enough sulfur in our diet? Nutrition & Metabolism. 2007;4:24. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-4-24. Townsend DM, Tew KD, Tapiero H: Sulfur containing amino acids and human disease. Biomed Pharmacother 2004, 58: 47-55. 10.1016/j.biopha.2003.11.005 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Informational purposes and should NOT ever be used as a replacement for medical advice or as a basis for self-diagnoses. Results will vary.

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All From Just 1 Mineral Supplement! 

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Change Health & Beauty Simply, With Some Good Old Common Sense.

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Try Pure Organic Sulfur, From The Leader In Pure, Specialty MSM


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Happy Body Pure MSM is optimal

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🟢 Pure, 100% additive-free MSM, independently certified to ISO / cGMP, & USP standards.

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🟢 Ultra-high dose MSM, offering up to 5-10x more per serving than MSM pills/powders.

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🟢 Best value per dose: costs up to 5x less than competitors.

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🟢 5-star rated by over 72% of over 7,000+ reviews.

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🟢 Backed by our complete, 90-day, full money-back guarantee.

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🟢 The leading brand in North America for 11 years, serving over 200,000+ customers.

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If You Want The Best Results… Just Use The Best!

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Happy Body 

 Buy Now 

Organic Sulfur – 1 lb. Pack

Premium, Pure, 100% Additive-Free MSM Crystals

100% Premium Quality

Organic Sulfur Quality

Product Details:

📦 Size: 1 lb. / 454 g. Pack .

🕐 Supply: Each Bag Provides Up to 45-90 Day Supply.

🥄 Format: Distilled, Pure MSM Crystals, 100% Additive-Free.

✔️ Certified: USP/ISO/cGMP Standards For: MSM Purity, Heavy Metals & VOC’s.

🗓️ Shelf Life: Up to 3 years.

📌 Ships From: Happy Body, Fontana, California.

🛡️ Guarantee: 90 Days Full Money Back.

Premium Quality:

Organic Sulfur Quality

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Today Get 2 Bags for Just $50.00!

That’s a 90-180 day supply for only $25.00/Bag

Saves you another $20 when you get 2 Bags!

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 About Happy Body

🥇  North America’s # 1 Brand of Pure MSM Crystals.

⏳  In Business Over 11 years.

🔍 Independently Certified MSM.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Serving Over 200,000+ Customers.

🚚 Fast, Free, Shipping.

✅ Simple 90 Day, Full Money Back Guarantee.



2 Ways To Save A Lot More!

The number one

Multi Packs

Organic Sulfur Crystals Multi Packs and MSM in bulk

✔️ Save up to 50% off.

✔️ Multi packs start at just 2 units.

✔️Up to 3 year shelf life.

✔️ Comes with free shipping.

the number 2

Happy Body Bundles

Happy Body MSM Bundles Can Save You Money

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✔️ Come with free shipping.

FAQ’s ❓

🥄 How do you take Organic Sulfur?

Taking Organic Sulfur Crystals Is Simple!

The easy way to take our supplement is by mixing the crystals in a small glass with some filtered water or juice.

It’s actually really easy:

Just add your crystals to 1 oz. of filtered or bottled water.

Next, swirl it around to get the crystals moving in the glass, and chug it back.

Note: Sulfur is initially bitter when swallowed, but it goes away very quickly, especially with this method.

⏳ How Long To See Impacts?

  • On average people tend to see impacts from pure Organic Sulfur typically in 2- 4 weeks of consistent use.
  • Please note timing and level of results will vary from person to person.
  • The key to success, as with anything, is to take it daily / consistently.

Please remember: Consult with your doctor or preferred health care professional before trying any new supplement, especially if you have a complex medical history.

💊 What If I'm On Medications or Other Supplements?

Organic Sulfur is typically very safe overall, and has a long, pristine track record of use.

Medications & Organic Sulfur:

In general, if you are on other medications, you will always want to consult with your doctor before use.

Please note in general:

  • If you are on blood thinners, Organic Sulfur (pure MSM) has mild blood thinning properties.
  • If you have predetermined sensitivity to Sulfa/Sulfur, there are certain rare cases where the person has difficulty processing MSM. If this is the case, the person should stop and contact us for a full refund. This is however extremely rare.

Other Supplements & Organic Sulfur

  • MSM can be taken in coordination with other supplements and vitamins.
  • In fact, it can help the body increase absorption optimization for many other vitamins and nutrients.
  • If taking other minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium or iron, it is important to take these at different times as Organic Sulfur (MSM) is a mineral as well, and as such can compete for similar metabolic pathways in the body, potentially reducing efficacy. We suggest 1-2 hours before or after taking other minerals.

Please remember: Consult with your doctor or preferred health care professional before trying any new supplement, especially if you have a complex medical history.

What Happens if I Don't ❤️ It?

There’s Zero Risk You’re Fully Covered!

All products sold by Happy Body are covered by a full 90 day Ironclad Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction.

If you don’t feel that our Organic Sulfur crystals provide you with excellent impacts to pain, inflammation, worn joints, digestion and fatigue, you can return it, no questions asked, anytime 90 days after your purchase date for a full refund of every red cent you paid.

Just let us know you want a return label and send it back for a refund of 100% of your purchase price. Simple. No questions asked.

Our priority customer support will ensure you are taken care of fast and efficiently.


  • Call 1.800.610.9210  or
  • Email us at  or
  • Facebook message us by clicking here

ℹ️ Tell Me More About Happy Body?

About Happy Body

Started 11 years ago, Happy Body is North America’s leading source for ultra, high-quality, premium Organic Sulfur and specialty MSM products.

Today, Happy Body is still the leading brand and we proudly have served over 200,000 customers and rapidly growing.

With Happy Body, It’s All About The MSM!

MSM is an amazing mineral supplement that provides a vast range of benefits for health, wellness and appearance.

Happy Body is heavily focused on quality, as such, our MSM is always 3rd party, independently tested for:

  • MSM Quality
  • MSM Purity
  • Heavy Metals
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Bacteria’s
  • Molds

Built For Health Professions, Now Available To All…

Our products were originally designed for health and wellness professionals exclusively, but due to surging demand, we’ve made our products available to everyone since 2015.

Today, we serve over 200,000+ customers in North America and around the world, and we’re the leading brand of additive-free MSM/Organic Sulfur.

If you have questions you can always contact us and we will be happy to help you. Our support hours are 9:00 -4:30 EST (New York Time) Monday to Friday.

Fast Shipping To Your Door

We ship out of 2 locations:

1. Fontana, California. for all US Orders.

2. Toronto, Ontario. for all Canadian Orders.

Orders typically arrive to your door 2 – 5 business days (Note: we do not ship on weekends) anywhere in North America.

If you have questions you can always contact us and we will be happy to help you. Our support hours are 9:00 -4:30 EST (New York Time) Monday to Friday.

Thank you so much for visiting our site, and we wish you nothing but optimal wellness!

📍 Are Your Products USP Certified?

A: Yes.

Happy Body is one of the few companies in natural health that actually double batch tests our product to all applicable USP, cGMP, and ISO standards.

What does that mean?

It means that every batch of MSM we bring to market is tested not once, but 2x for the following:

  • MSM purity / quality
  • Heavy metals
  • VOC’s (volatile organic compounds)
  • Bacteria’s
  • Molds & fungus.

It’s simply pristine MSM!


Contact Us

For Orders & Questions: 9:00am – 4:30pm EST  | Mon – Fri |  (New York Time)


Note: If we’re unable to answer your call, please leave a message & we’ll call you right back 🙂

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  2.  El-Gindy A, et al Reflectance near-infrared spectroscopic method with Chemometric techniques for simultaneous determination of Chondroitin, glucosamine, and methyl sulfonyl methane . J AOAC Int. (2012)
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  23. Kalman DS, Feldman S, Scheinberg AR, Krieger DR, Bloomer RJ. Influence of methylsulfonylmethane on markers of exercise recovery and performance in healthy men: a pilot study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012;9(1):46. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-9-46.
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Disclaimer: Information presented on this site is of a general nature used for educational and information purposes only.  Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.  If you have any concerns about your own health or are wanting to use a new mineral supplement, vitamin or herbal supplement, you should always consult with your physician or other healthcare professional first. Do not use information on this site or on our social media pages as a replacement for validated medical information / opinion, or as a basis for self-diagnosis. This is the same for your pet; always consult with your veterinarian before starting your pet on any new pet supplement or vitamin first.

Pricing: For our website and catalog, the Regular (Reg) Price is also referred to as the MSRP is the “Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price.” The MSRP is understood to mean the price at which a manufacturer will recommend a retailer or reseller to sell a product for in stores, on the internet, or in catalogs. For Happy Body  branded items, the MSRP is calculated based on a varying percentage above the product’s completed production price & associated administration, marketing & logistics. Prices can change at any time for any reason. Pricing & sales offers can change at any time without notice, and at our sole discretion.

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