Make Your Own MSM Creams
And Other Amazing Health and Beauty Products with MSM
We all know and love the amazing benefits that MSM can provide.
MSM, also known as Organic Sulfur, gets to the root of the problem, helping to promote healing and increased immunity.
Taking your Organic Sulfur crystals orally as a supplement twice a day is always the best way to provide the body with the sulfur it needs, but did you know you can also incorporate MSM into your own home made health and beauty products?!
Your Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your Organic Sulfur Products
DIY is everywhere these days and infusing Organic Sulfur into your homemade products is an excellent life hack.
The following guide is a breakdown on powerful, highly effective and economical recipes you can make with pure Organic Sulfur MSM Crystals and drops.
DIY Shopping List
Most of these recipes contain the same general ingredients that can be found online or at your local health food store.
Stocking up on them will ensure you have everything it takes to cover all of your diy needs.
When shopping for diy beauty ingredients, keep in mind that your skin is your largest organ.
What you put on your body is just as important as what you put in your body.
Choosing the highest quality ingredients will always yield the best results!
Happy Body Organic Sulfur
You can’t make MSM infused products without MSM!!
MSM, also known as Organic Sulfur, is a genius addition to all of your DIY health and beauty products.
It has such a long list of benefits, but just to give you a brief over view, Organic Sulfur is excellent for beauty to:
Improve Skin Health
Sulfur is a keratolytic; when applied topically to the skin, sulfur causes the top layer of the epidermis to dry and peel off.
This can help slough away dead skin cells to keep pores unblocked, allowing a fresh new layer of smooth skin to grow in its place. Sulfur also has antibacterial properties, helping to combat the presence of P. acnes bacterium that can cause infections within the dermis.
Increase Collagen Production
MSM plays a major part in the body’s ability to produce collagen. As an essential ingredient in tissue to hold the human body together, collagen provides structural support and impacts the flexibility and resilience of skin.
Maintain Keratin
MSM is vital for the maintenance of normal keratin levels in the hair, skin, and nails.
The amount of cysteine disulfide keratin determines the strength of the bonds to make hard cells like nails, or softer to make flexible tissue like hair and skin.
Reduce Redness and Inflammation
MSM also helps reduce inflammation, which can damage skin cells and cause signs of premature aging like wrinkles.
It may even reduce symptoms of problematic skin conditions such as rosacea, which can cause redness, irritation and inflammation of the skin.
One study showed that, when applied to the skin, MSM significantly improved redness, itching, inflammation, hydration and skin color in people with rosacea.
Obviously our Top Pick for MSM is Happy Body Premium Organic Sulfur Crystals!!
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is linked to many benefits for skin, including reducing inflammation, keeping skin moisturized and helping heal wounds.
The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.
What is the difference between regular and fractionated Coconut Oil?
We use both regular and fractionated coconut oil in some of these recipes.
Fractionated coconut oil is virgin coconut oil that has been distilled, allowing the long-chain fatty acids that solidify at room temperature to separate and they are then removed. What remains is an ultralight, odorless coconut oil that stays liquid in form at cooler temps.
- Virgin coconut oil is solid at lower room temperatures, making it too heavy to use as a facial oil.
- Virgin coconut oil is less processed so it maintains lauric acid and other long-chain fatty acids.
- Fractionated coconut oil stays liquid in form, even in lower temperatures.
- Fractionated coconut oil is less likely to clog pores or cause breakouts.
- Fractionated coconut oil is more easily absorbed by the skin.
- Both are deeply moisturizing and nourishing to the skin.
- Both are naturally processed (extracted without the use of chemicals) so they still contain plenty of nutrients and antioxidants.
Our Top 3 Picks
Native Forest 100% Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Click here to get from
Nutiva Unrefined Liquid Coconut Oil
Click here to get it from
Kirkland Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
Click here to get it from
Shea Butter
High concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins make shea butter an ideal cosmetic ingredient for softening skin. Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Using shea butter on your body, especially your face, can condition, tone, and soothe your skin.
The best shea butter is unrefined.
- Yellow shea butter is raw and can have a strong odor. There may be impurities present if the butter has not been filtered.
- Unrefined shea butter is usually whiter in appearance and has been run through a filter to remove impurities.
- Heavily refined, pure white shea butter still contains is moisturizing abilities, but its vitamin content has been lost.
Our Top Picks
Sky Organics Ivory Shea Butter
Click here to get it on
Yellow Brick Road Unrefined Yellow Shea Butter
Click here to get it on
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant known for its healing and medicinal properties.
Its stems store water, creating a clear, gel-like substance in the leaves, which contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids.
The gel from aloe has been used throughout history to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as burns, frostbite, psoriasis and cold sores.
Aloe Butter
Aloe butter is an extract of aloe vera (aloe barbadensis) in a coconut fatty fraction.
It is semi solid at room temperature, melting when applied to the skin. Aloe Butter aids in rapid hydration of dry skin caused by eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, sun burn, wind burn, and general chapping.
Aloe butter contains all the key properties of Aloe Vera, skin soothing and restorative with natural anti-inflammatory properties and naturally containing lignin which aids its ability to draw in other ingredients to the skin.
This makes Aloe Butter the perfect butter to blend with essential oils intended for the skin.
Our Top Picks
Seven Mineral 100% Pure Aloe
Click here to get it on
Aloe Butter by Dr. Adorable
Click here to get it on
Castile Soap
Since castile soap is made from safe, simple plant oils, it is considered safe for even the most sensitive skin types.
It can help oily, acne-prone skin. The oils found in castile soap penetrate pores with their antibacterial agents, helping clean your skin without drying it out.
Dr. Bronner’s, one of the most popular brands of Castile soap, is primarily made of coconut, olive, and hemp oils, but other oils like avocado, almond, and walnut can also be used.
Our Top Picks
Dr Bronners Liquid Castile Soap
Click here to get it on
Dr Jacobs Liquid Castile Soap
Click here to get it on
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can help kill bacteria and yeast on the skin related to conditions like acne, eczema, and dandruff.
ACV’s high acidity level may also help some skin conditions (but note well: Its high acidity makes it necessary to dilute with water).
Healthy skin lies on the acidic end of the pH spectrum. However, people with eczema can have an elevated skin pH, which can compromise the skin barrier and make it more prone to infections.
Since ACV is acidic, it may help restore some of the skin’s natural pH.
Our Top Picks
Braggs Raw Unpasteurized ACV
Click here to get it on
Mother Earth Raw Unpasteurized ACV
Click here to get it on
Other Ingredients
There are a few other ingredients in some of these recipes that we are not going to break down as comprehensively, but will list out what you will need to complete your DIY Master List! They also have wonderful health benefits and can be found on or at your local grocery food store.
Remember, your skin is your largest organ, what every you put on it will directly be absorbed into the bloodstream. Always choose organic whenever possible!!
- Organic Green Tea
- Organic Chamomile Tea
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Lemon Juice
Other Items
- 10 ml Rollerballs
- 2 oz Spray Bottles
- 8 oz Glass Mason Jars
- 4 oz Glass Mason Jars
Organic Sulfur Topical Pain Cream / Gel
MSM is a great supplement used to reduce pain and inflammation. Utilize the healing benefits of this mineral by adding it to some aloe gel and applying it to the skin as a topical pain reliever.
Watch our ‘how to’ video here:
- 2 teaspoons MSM ground into a fine powder
- 100 ml aloe gel
- 8-10 drops essential oil (Lavender, Copaiba, Peppermint)
Organic Sulfur Beauty / Skin Cream
Our skin, hair and nails are made up of a protein called keratin and sulfur is a main component to this protein. Sulfur strengthens the disulfide bonds that hold these proteins together, leading to healthy, youthful skin, hair and nails.
You can boost the benefits of this by also applying the MSM topically to be absorbed directly by the skin.
Watch our ‘how to’ video here:
- 2 teaspoons MSM ground into a fine powder
- 100 ml aloe butter or other water soluble base
- 12-15 drops essential oil, Lavender and Frankincense are my go to oils
Organic Sulfur Hair Shampoo
Sulfur is a crucial component to the proteins that make up our hair. MSM is a great supplement to take to help improve the look and feel of your hair but you can also add it to your shampoo for added benefit.
How to steps:
A. Using a pestle and mortar or clean spice/coffee grinder; take 3 – 4 heaping teaspoons of Sulfur Crystals and crush them down to a fine powder.
B.(Optional) Add the fine sulfur powder to a small amount of very warm, (hot not boiling) water to support dissolving of the organic sulfur powder faster.
C. Slowly add and fold in to a 200 – 300 ml’s of your favorite shampoo (we suggest Castile Shampoo) using a mixing bowl. Mix till fully mixed together.
D. Once folded into the mixture fully, place the new superpower shampoo back in the original bottle.
MSM Facial Toner
Tighten and brighten skin and clear up blemishes with healing facial toner made with MSM and organic green tea.
- 1/4 Cup Organic Green Tea
- 1 teaspoon Happy Body MSM crystals
- 1/4 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 10 to 15 drops tea tree essential oil
Mix ingredients and pour over cotton pads in a mason jar.
Replace with fresh cotton pads and toner every 2 weeks.
Under Eye Serum With Pure MSM
This serum is great to help tighten and brighten the skin under the eye.
Nourishing aloe and lavender with the anti-inflammatory and healing benefit of MSM.
- 5 mls Aloe Gel
- 2 droppers full Happy Body MSM drops (approx. 40 drops)
- 5-6 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Shake up in 10 ml roller ball vial and use as needed on clean skin.
MSM Leave In Hair Tonic / Conditioner
The proteins of our hair are held together by disulfide bonds so each hair folicle requires sulfur to help promote growth and strength.
Cedarwood and Lavender essential oils are known to be very stimulating to the scalp, and incorporating the MSM helps to increase their absorption.
The MSM also helps combat dry, flaky scalp.
Place approx 30-40 drops of Happy Body MSM drops in a 2 oz spray bottle, add 5-6 drops of your favourite essential oil and fill remainder of bottle with water.
Spray onto scalp and massage into roots daily.
Cold and Flu Essential Oil Rollerball
Keep your family healthy and happy with immune supporting essential oils supercharged with MSM.
Adding MSM to this rollerball recipe helps boost the efficacy of Clove and Eucalyptus which both great oils for supporting a healthy body.
Diluted with the carrier oil and the MSM, this recipe is safe and gentle enough to use on young children. Apply down the spine and on the bottom of the feet as often as every hr to prevent and lessen the duration of sickness.
It’s not the amount used that increases efficacy, it is the frequency of application, so apply often!
Healing Facial Cleanser
This castile soap cleanser incorporates, soothing camomile tea with MSM, lavender and frankincense with added sweet almond oil for extra moisture and gentle cleansing.
- 1/4 Cup Brewed Organic Camomile Tea
- 2 droppers full Happy Body MSM drops (approx. 40 drops)
- 1/4 Cup Castile Soap
- 1/4 teaspoon Sweet Almond or Olive Oil
- 10 drops Lavender and Frankincense Essential Oil
Mix ingredients and add to foaming soap dispenser. Replace with fresh cleanser every 2 weeks.
For More Amazing Recipes, Check Out Our MSM Recipe Booklet
We will continue to post more recipes and videos on the amazing things you can make with Organic Sulfur Pure MSM Crystals.
To your wellness and beauty!
The Happy Body Team
Disclaimer: Information presented on this site is of a general nature used for educational and information purposes only. Statements or opinions about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (The FDA). Products and information stated herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have any concerns about your own health or are wanting to use a new mineral supplement, vitamin or herbal supplement, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional first. This is the same for your pet, always first consult with your veterinarian before using any new pet supplement or vitamin first.